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Monday, April 30, 2007 Memories for 29th April 2007 (Sun) :
Well didn't do much again today..morning wake up very late, then use com, go out study, then meet nel, ding , hy, xy at arcade a while.. Duck, me, nel n ding went eat.. Then ding n nel go cut hair, i go study... after they r done, hy, xy, nel, ding n me went lan again.. Audition was sucky.. either keyboard got prob or speaker got prob... A very bad nite indeed.. BEsides was not feeling well... After tat nel n ding go eat.. Then we went hm after tat... bubbles of sadness. *11:59 AM .
Sunday, April 29, 2007 Memories for 28th April 2007 (Sat) :
Hmm lets cont from where we stop? Though tired, but company ding 4 breakfast, sit there n chat til ard 9am + b4 companying him to buy drink at sweet talk n walk awhile n chat at other places. THen company Him to arcade play photo hunt n stuffs.. Til finally its time to go yishun to buy his stuffs. As he's waiting 4 the shop to open...reached there, still not open n i'm really dead tired...finally after a while, shop open n he take some time to browse thru b4 buying. We were lucky to board on a bus wifout waiting. Then home sweet hm.. after washing up n stuffs, while waiting 4 hair to dry, went online.. nv expect saw friends there so chat wif them n even go audi find nel.. Lol play club dance wif him n challenging each other chains wifout chancing. i got a x7 perf using my lousy keyboard haha. nel only got x5 o.O OK then i couldn't take it n went to bed at ard 6pm. I was charging my hp, tat i slp so soundly n woke up at 10pm. sms was at 6.45pm, my ringtone so long i actually didn't even hear it.. woke up to hav dinner n sit on bed again n doze off at ard 11pm + n tat's abt it...deep into long slp again.. bubbles of sadness. *1:36 PM .
Saturday, April 28, 2007 Memories for 25th, 26th & 27th April 2007 (Wed - Fri) :
25th April 2007 (Wed) : Wow just realised tat i didn't update my blog 4 days.. Ok let me recall.. Well guess didn't really do much.. wake up late, online audition, went out study, then can't rmb wat's nxt haha.. Short term memory le...So i shall move on to Thurs.. 26th April 2007 (Thurs) : Erhmm the earlier routine is the same, except 4 changes in the evening time. Well yup meeting 4 friends of mine to lan shop to play. However only 1 play dota, the rest play audition haha. Yup kw, nel, hy n ding. Ding (dota) haha. Ok it was a memorable nite playing audi wif kw. I enjoyed playing wif him cuz of the challenging rds we had.. The matches were always so close, though we r team tis time rd, we r still competing 4 places, usually 1st or 2nd out of 6 ^^.. This time rd, the com allocated to us were sucky.. Especially the speaker.. I couldn;t even use my ear phone to plug into the speaker, wifout receiving the irritating sound.. Thus have to play wifout listening closer to the beat, which was tough.. Well at 1st, only me, kw n nel playing sync C 4 team.. Cuz hy's standard still not there yet.. Ok nel's wasn't there too, cuz he couldn;t chance n play fast speed at higher lvl.. But his chaining skills were not bad =) after tat, we managed to play npc, well earn quite a lot of dens i must say n i managed to buy aqua Charms Face 4 my Takeshi84, costing 50000Dens. Hmm ok nxt up, we get hy to join us, but 4 ppl can;t form team, so we play singles instead.. Lol me n kw were competing, while nel n hy were competing 2.. Haha i won 6-3 >.<> Ok thus finally time to go hm le, cuz kw tml morning got sch.. 27th April 2007 (Fri) : Well well, i'm getting more n more lazy.. Shitty me.. Woke up late, then use com as usual.. Oh ya it was really a small world indeed...Few Days ago in audition i meet a gal name HuiYing n she turns out to be my former sec sch junior, which i saw b4, esp her friend in her display pic.. Omg.. Ok then nvm abt tat, i played audition b4 going out to study at mac again.. b4 i went out, chat wif a long time highly respected friend of mine, P, n have a hearty chat wif her. After studying, kit asked me out 4 dinner. Afterall, i'm not having dinner alone again haha. But actually i had a little at hm le. But kit insisted i eat wif him, so i ate a little too.. Not to 4get kof session again. This time got duck n kit.. lol Win by 11 n they dun 1 play le zzz. So after tat, company kit 4 dinner.. Well Duck n ding decides to go overnite lan again...zzz Kit super rarely go, so after some, he decides to go n so i have to company him... Well reached there ard almost 12am? Then expected its full, so have to wait.. Ding n duck were there already.. Make member 4 kit at the same time.. Finally our com is ready but separated.So of cuz i went to audition.. However, sad case.. stg happened inside tat i'm happy abt, n adding on to it, every1 got dc suddenly n audi was down.. wasting time, went to msn instead.. O.o Huiying was there so we chat abt the old days together wif the other friend, named Serene. Wow they played audition too. N they changed alot, since we last saw each other.. Ok finally audi ready n went back in to play.. Well not a very pleasant nite of audi 4 me though.. The space bar, tis time was loose n got prob.. though the speaker was ok now.. However, it was freezing cold tonite cuz raining ba.. Well had lots of rds of different types of games.. Starting was playing team wif nel n his friend.. Omg, well we keep losing...but i was happy to be 1st n chain well most.. But highest was x8 only tonite.. Then after tat, play a few rds of npc after nel complaining so much, Wan joined too.. Its been played wif Wan.. Guess everything changed n really weird.. btw Wan's back to sg again, but tis time was given 1 mth's time.. 4 gd or 4 bad, i can;'t judge, only wan's heart noe the ans.. So watever, just wish Wan all the best ba.. n enjoy ur stay in Sg... Nxt was playing team wif Ying n galspirit after all have left.. Wow both pro like Wan r playing together in my team.. Wow at times my performance was so poor tat i'm last in the team, though we won.Nice team indeed.. Couldn't concentrate well tat nite too, cuz guess i wasn't fresh n was feeling tired too.. Ended up left wif only me n ying, hopping ard rms after rms in search of nice game mode.. It was funny.. Ok today's blog shall lead n exception to 28th April? or perhaps i shall put it to be continue in nxt blog haha. bubbles of sadness. *2:09 PM .
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 Memories for 24th April 2007 (Tues) :
Time flies.. Wa..exams approaching soon.. I'm panic, yet i dunno how.. Maths n stats 1 i got probs dunno how to do, but couldn't find any1 to turn to.. Zz. Study progress is slow.. Anyway today specially wake up at 6.45am to sms a morning msg to Dama0, cuz during overnite tat at lan, i was chatting msn wif Dama0 till 1am, promise to wake Dama0 up in the morning, cuz scare i cuz Dama0 to be late... Ended up didn't keep my promise cuz i'm tired till i miss the time.. Thus today specially wake up to fulfill my belated promise.. Then carry on slping.. b4 waking up to update blog n stuffs.. Then time to prepare to go out study... Omg today study progress was still so slow.. I'm really lost.. Not only tat, i actually fell aslp at mac -.-! Then dama0 today was lucky at work. ya afternoon boss going to Yishun to do some work n Dama0 was asked to follow... After settling, Boss actually say can knock off from work le -.-! So lucky.. Boss then happens to alight Dama0 at sem, thus came to find me at mac.. Then sit down at mac we talk awhile. Of cuz the awkward atmosphere, i really couldn't find any words to say, unlike the other time wif some1. There were lots of silence moment, n really quite quiet.. Wil zzz spotted me.. TIs time wif duck.. yeah... After tat, Dama0 went off to attend to other activities.. Thus i waited 4 nel n ding to come. Then we proceed to have dinner, b4 buying tickets to watch Nitemare detective.. While waiting, we went 4 some kof session. Kit came but can only play awhile.. Well i got the man to repair tat faulty button, but have to be gentle to tat button, else faulty again.. Hmm nxt we proceed to watch the movie... Omg the movie turns out to be poor, rated by myself.. Its quite lame, fantasy a bit.. entering ppl's dream by talking to them on the phone to kill.. Like psycho killer.. the killer have to stab himself hard, go slp, then enter the victims dream to kill them to heal himself.. I dun really like the movie.. THus shall not say further =( after tat, nel n ding go lan again -.-! While i went back mac to study.. Only to find newspaperboy entering.. He's rushing to send his assignment thru mail. After tat chat til ard 1am + wif him n headed straight hm.. bubbles of sadness. *11:07 AM .
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 Memories for 22th & 23rd April 2007 (Sun & Mon) :
Another linked day. Sun morning is usual, using the com.. THen afternoon deciding whether to go Cy's chalet or not.. Hence as usual, if kit go, i go.. Ended up kit says he wanted to go, n i see the weather like going to rain heavily soon.. So hurried prepare n rush out.. Meet him at arcade instead, cuz nel n ding was going to suntec buy the shoe which he spot it last outing.. Thus wait 4 their news b4 we board the train to meet them.. After meeting, we headed to pasir ris.. the location was coasta sand resort.. The place which i rmb going few times, n each time i just don't like the place. Not much activities, too small 4 lots of ppl, etc.. Its much more suitable 4 couples or small grps of 4.. As its cheap.. But i prefer NTUC downtown east 1.. Got more activities to do.. Actually me n Kit agreed to go there, cuz we thought only few ppl r attending the chalet... But reached there, saw so many ppl we dunno, turns us off.. The only ppl we noe are xy, hy, cy, yk, ding n nel.. Tat's all.. N we thought is just only us.. ok nel n ding were tired cuz they stayed overnite at lan ytd till 1pm.. Crazy ppl -.-! I was actually not feeling very well.. Headache n seems feverish.. Then we start to play mahjong.. well actually there's a gal there, yk's friend. The type which suits me de haha.. conservative dressing, not really very pretty, decent, n gentle looking.. nv dye hair, neatly dressed.. But char wise i'm not sure.. Some more she's 20 only.. Heard poly.. N she's the only gal n hanging ard wif so many guys.. Xy n Cy wants to intro me, but i dun want haha. Nel, ding n kit went to set up the bbq stuffs.. After i played a few rds, i joined them.. THough i lose a lot of rounds n win only 1 i guess, the winnings r very big ^^ Erhmm we didn't gamble, just play 4 fun haha.. Bbq, of cuz some happenings too.. Our grp as usual, always the 1 doing bbq..THe shitty job.. Well read kit's blog abt the bbq stuffs. i dun wish to say it here haha. Well i guess i eat very few satay =( but i managed to eat my favourite marshmallows. Otah oso ate a few.. Only hotdogs n crab stick ate quite a no..wat a bbq.. I'm the sort who prefer few ppl only.. like grps of 4, sitting down together n chat while doing the bbq, cosy n happy.. After bbq, we decided to go 4 a walk to the beach.. Well away from tat sweaty bbq pit.. Walked a very long distance.. Wow, beach at nite was indeed eerie n scary... coconuts were lying on the shore n there's no lightings., making it seems like a head.. While walking at the sand, seems like got flies or mosquitoes or dunno wat touching ur feet... Finally, i want to feel the wave on my feet, but nobody join me.. (Hy, xy, nel, ding n kit were there only).. Only kit company me down.. It was really scary.. As i stand infront of the shore, though it was low tide, n the waves r low.. But looking in front of me, was dark.. N seems like something from inside the sea will comes up n grab me down, or the wave will suddenly turn high n wash me off the shore... Scary indeed, but i still walk closer n feel the wave.. Cooling n comfortable, but i guess its not gd to enjoy it at nite.. nxt time day ba...-.-! Then went back to room.. Wash up, n play uno.. Really got ntg to do.. Then we wait to cut cake b4 we need to rush off.. Kit tml got sch, thus we r not staying.. B4 tat nel n ding already wanted to go back wif me 2, cuz sledom i got chance to go lan shop over nite.. Then hy wanted to go back -.-! Looking at the time of cutting the cake, its very late le.. Drag til there's no more train back... Omg then drag further more cuz 6 ppl how to share cab... Finally after dragging time, we seperated into 2 cabs.. Me, nel n ding a cab... Xy, kit n hy a cab.. cuz xy n kit going hm.. Finally reached yishun lan shop, i went in msn chat awhile wif friends.. b4 my audition starts.. Yes told myself its the last nite i'm going to play much le.. Since its lvl 15 n close to licence test to new lvl clubber, i want to succeed.. Thus i persevere.. Starting saw caspii our team player last time at lanshop, so i ask her over we play team dance battle.. Nel not joining cuz he was playing dota wif freinds.. Wow the nite start off wif team competition.. 3 clubbers a team compete wif 2 freedom 1 novice.. casppi n me are freedom.. The match was competitive.. Got win n lose.. Challenging indeed. Then later 1 by 1 left, cuz need to slp le.. But i can't stop cuz i still need to persevere.. b4 i start, my exp was 181K plus.. Makes me thought tat the licence test will only reach when my exp reach 200K.. I was like.. omg.. i played till i was tired.. chancing i start to miss at early lvl, fm at 120-140 speed i start to be shaky.. Even had to rely on my teammates to win tis time rd.. Oso this time the com not so gd as last time.. ard 5am + nel can't take it cuz he didn't slp 4 like 2 days? Ding oso can't take it.. So they log off 1st.. Nel went back, ding stayed to slp, hy company me play audition.. FInally, from 12.09 am sign in to the com, at ard 10am +.. I was playing 8k, cuz ppl there told me play 8k can lvl faster.. Each song exp if top can only get 200+ exp.. Pathetic slow.. Then at 8k a nice soul told me tat 195K exp can get licence test le.. I was so blessed.. my exp from 181K + finally reached till 194K.. Last few games, i played nite4D.. haha i topped the games as usual. Time 4 licence at 10.30am... I'm quite confident tat i can pass it wif just 1 test.. However, my performance was not very gd cuz i'm tired n can't focus.. I can't chain much, n can;t chance cuz tis time its in freestyle mode, n the speed is too fast 4 me to play 8k.. I depends on chaining perfect to pass.. Omg really almost fail it.. at the last part, i'm left wif 1 more perf n 5 digits score.. The last 2 bar of arrows, finally i get a perf.. n last bar, i cleared the score.. wat a close relief..Finally, i'm a clubber... It was really hard work indeed.. 1st time.. 10hrs+ of audition.. mind toruturing..at 10.40am i have becum a clubber.. Then i quickly log off the com, but hy n ding played warcraft.. morning from 8 to 1 pm, per hr is only 90cents.. So i took a nap there while waiting 4 them to stop.. Zzz it was freaking cold n there's not place 4 me to lie down, only on a chair.. Disturbed by xy calling me frequently 4 hy... zzz. finally 1pm, they stopped... We go back to sem n have lunch instead -.-! after eating, bad 4 going hm was up n slp, so ask ding to company me 4 a scroll.. saw jbear.. Then when we r abt to go hm, it was raining heavily zzz so ended up stuck at sun plaza cold n tired... Til ard 5pm plus, finally we headed hm. I wash up n took a nap.. til 8pm + i wake up 4 dinner, use a while of com.. Actually to chat only, ended up saw nel... Ard 10pm + off the com.. Nel ask me out to company him 4 dinner, so i went to mac find him.. Eating, we chatted there n newspaperboy suddenly come.. at 1st only log in my msn, then they go n disturb a few of my friends-.-! felt bad abt tat... cuz the laptop was newspaperboy.. Display pic was his pic.. So he go n ask my female friends tis guy look handsome or not -.-! lame.. Then kw n jbear suay.. talk to me on msn, ganna scolded by newaspaperboy 4 ntg.. But actually it was justy a joke..hopefully my friends who were disturbed, pls dun feel offended... ZZZ my reputation was ruined by them... ard almost 1am, i headed hm.. watch tv b4 i slp... bubbles of sadness. *11:52 AM .
Sunday, April 22, 2007 Memories for 20th & 21th April 2007 (Fri & Sat) :
Well its a fresh start i guess.. Hmm y did i link the 2 days together? Well partly is becuz i was didn't had time to blog the whole of ytd.. Ok after u read my blog u'll noe y.. Well fri morning was boring as usual.. If i'm not wrong, use the com again.. late afternoon i'm suppose to meet kit n bro to go 4 a haircut... Yup meet kit at sem mrt b4 we went to admiralty to meet bro.. Well y go admiralty to cut hair? Cuz my hairdresser quit her job n bro has 1 to recommend.. Yup the place was far.. Walked a distance.. THen reached there a new hairstyle n a new look of me.. Well can say the hair style is average.. Quite nice, but at the same time, my face felt bloated -.-! Maybe like wat bro said, not used to the new look, will take some time to adjust... Omg its really very short... THen we proceed to have dinner at foodcourt there.. Food was average, compared to marina square's food court -.-!... Any photos? Of cuz there are a lot of pics to upload, however, just tat i'm too lazy these days to upload them.. Ok will upload them when i have the time. Nxt up, we headed back to sp while bro went back hm.. thanks 4 companying me there.. If i'm not wrong, lots of ppl were there tat nite.. Nel, kw, eggroll, kit, awie, duck.. THus took turns to play.. After tat company them to eat dinner.. Well lots of them say my hairstyle not nice -.-! I even agreed on that some how =( But not really tat bad to an extent ba haha.. Ok nxt, i was dragged by nel n ding to go lan shop wif them... Omg... Waste $ again.. Well at 1st thought only go until 3am.. Up didn't expect the trip was a fruitful 1.. Y did i say so? Cuz lots of things happened there.. N i get to noe some stuffs...Well starting msn, chat wif Wan n my ex.. Wan was sick.. Just wish her speedy recovery too.. Cuz of changing environment i guess.. After tat, i went in to play audition... of cuz something happened.. Starting i was playing alone, till nel play wif me.. He ah... Only want to play couple dance n club dance..Which i'm sick of it already.. Ok so played wif him.. He inside there, make me so embarass tat he's my friend.. ok la, dun tell u wat, to protect his privacy haha.. Only real life friend can noe abt it.. Try asking me, if fate allows i say... After tat, Wan came in to audition.. Thought she slept already..Nvm i went to find her awhile.. Hmm nxt up in audition.. I found out tat i do not have to tied myself down over certain issues anymore.. Look slike its time to completely move on 4 me.. Yup it takes 2 hand to clap.. Thus now there's only 1 hand left.. THus i guess its time i move ahead..Ok thus i just go ahead wif my own stuffs.. Of cuz i'm very unhappy abt it.. But nvm... I pull nel to play team dance wif me.. Sync Crazy 4.. double fm.. We had lots of fun.. We invite nel's friend caspii over to play wif us.. Lol we had lots of fun but of cuz.. heart attack -.-! Nel is beginner.. can't chance, higher lvl can't cross, fm oso cannot do -.-! esp the 2nd fm.. caspii was average.. too fast song she can't.. Our opponent.. lucky 1 standard like nel,the other 2 is clubber.. none of us r club.. i still need 1 more lvl to becum.. However, i can handle 1 clubber alone.. But caspii will be over stressed.. Thus got 1 rd.. the 2nd fm gets lots of points.. the 2 clubbers does it... only 1 got it... Stressed but luckily the com there was really gd ^^ I chain 5 perfects to chase them back.. N we didn't lose a single rd.. how fun it is to play wif friends team dance^^ i love it.. Nxt time i would like to try battle party too =) End up in stead of 3am, its i'm the last 1 pulling nel to play wif me till 4 am + haha... Surprisingly, duck n ding log out their com 1st. as usually i'm the 1st 1 to log out de.. Thus ard 5am + we took cab back to sp to have breakfast at mac.. Long time no breakfast at mac le haha. sit there till almost 6am then we went back hm.. I slp till 11am, i wake up le.. Tat's the reason 4 the linkage of my post.. Besides, i dun have time to blog cuz, i was chatting wif damaO on msn.. Yup then company her play audition 4 few hrs b4 going out to meet, jx, kit, nel, ding n kw .. yup we r going to buy presents 4 cy.. THen we meet at sp arcade n of cuz rds of kof.. Haha have fun there cuz winning ma... Zzz something wrong wif the post.. repost again tis part.. I only used 1 token to play wif them n 1 token to play wif a stranger, who stanley lose.. Well its a kof player feeling excited to test his own skills against gd player u rarely played wif.. I managed to win him once, 1 beat 3 n i'm contented.. Nxt we proceed to ps.. Nxt we eat dinner 1st b4 we shop 4 cy's present.. Dun say where n price.. Later got ppl come here read LOL.. Ok then we headed to PC bunk to see the ppl playing there.. Lol nel actually thought of going there look at the gal's playing audition to see their nick -.-! he could actually thought of tat zzz.. Lol i only manage to saw 1 nick i saw online.. She's snowiie, erhmm of cuz i didn't move forward to say helo, lol.. just keep quiet. afterall she's a teenager -.-! Then i came across tis wedding party thingy.. Wow sounds interesting n challenging.. I would like to try it out too.. But have to find a partner gd enough.. 4 me, i'm ok wif the 130 speed of wedding party.. must have sync perfect, a certain amt of perfect, n a certain score to hit.. Hmm speed i have confidence of not missing the arrows at higher lvl.. fm confidence won;t miss, but depends sometimes.. Wait till i find a nice partner, i shall try it out ^^.. Need a cash i guess, perhaps i shall get 1 n try it out.. Nxt er headed to ps arcade.. This is the part i dreaded to blog... Ya... the players downt here were like cowards n smelly.. Keep losing n kw, kit n me team up only manage to win a few rds... i can handle 2 of the chars at times.. but the athena, dunno y can't win at all.. Our ratios were distances apart... Ok dun talk abt it anymore... After tat, we headed back to sem.. Well wat a day.. i was exhausted.. ding, nel n me went to mac to sit a while.. Well ding was hungry so company him... THen they 2 actually went to lan shop again -.-! so energetic.. i went hm after tat... call it a day.. Its time i really move on n study once again... i'm getting worried exams drawing near..Shld play less n study more le.. will start from nxt mon...PLs discipline me to study... bubbles of sadness. *11:57 AM .
Friday, April 20, 2007 Endless Love (1) - The Swordsman & A Princess :
Chapter 4 - The Conspiracy : Yan Tian came home after work as usual, However he seems indifferent tonite..In his hand was a small, long box, held tightly in his arm.. The box is secured by a golden lock.. Instead of preparing for dinner wif the whole family, he told his wife tat he has something impt to do. He locked himself in his study rm thruout the nite.. Early in the day when he reported for his normal duties, he was summoned to see his boss, Lord Soh... It was a secret, but urgent meeting.. For many yrs, Lord Soh & his men were secretly gathering lots of evidence of Lord Chen's crimes..Once completed, they shall remove tis villain off his feet, prevent him from harming more innocent ppl..Finally tis day has finally arrived, its time they start to make the final preparations.. Lord Soh handed a scroll to Yan Tian...Inside were details of plans of attack & list of Lord Chen's treason crime..including many impt details in it.. Lord Chen wanted Yan Tian to lead tis secret mission & keep the scroll in his custody, as he's the only man that Lord Soh could only trust, for fear of spies tat might b implanted by Lord Chen, hiding among the rest of the councellors.. That nite, Yan Hu returned late as usual, yet noticed tat his bro, Yan Tian is not at the dining table wif the family members.. Yan Hu Begin to sense something's amiss.. Thus late at nite, he decides to creep to Yan Tian's study rm to investigate.. Peeping into the small opening of a window, Yan Hu noticed Yan Tian holding a scroll & reading it.. The Long box was opened & left on the table beside Yan Tian.. Yan Tian's look was stern n serious while reading the scroll.. Unable to see the content in the scroll as the lights r dim, Yan Hi suspect the scroll must be something harmful to Lord Chen... Just as Yan Hu was abt to leave & find Lord Chen, he came across Wen Xuan... To clear his suspicous behaviour, he explained tat he's looking 4 Yan Tian for a drink... Upon Hearing some commotion outside, Yan Tian openedthe door to take a look.. Looking at his bro in delight, he was abt to look for Yan Hu too. Thus the 2 bros went out for a drink.. Yan Tian hope his bro will pull out of Lord Chen's matters, 4 fear of Yan Hu getting unnecessary troubles.. Politely, yan Hu turned his bro's kindness down & rest assure tat he'll take care of himself from any harm.. With a laugh, they carry on drinking their hearts out.. Turning in for bed, yan Hu creep in the dark out to Lord Chen's residence.. He reported the matter to his boss, but Lord Chen seems unsurprised at all.. However he was very furious indeed, the moment his spies brought the news of his treason crimes being discovered by Lord Soh & his men... Thus they came out wif a counterplan... Lord Chen ordered Yan Hu to draw closer n whisper to his ears, "psst, psst,psst.." Yan Hu's face immediately felt astonished... His eyes widened n nodded brillantly... Stay Tuned to Chapter (5) : The Unexpected Betrayal... bubbles of sadness. *12:02 PM .
Memories for 19th April 2007 (Thurs) :
A day has passed... Well everything seems different, yet the stuffs i do is the same.. Well morning wake up use com.. today i actually typed an email to wan.. Wonder Wan received the email or not.. Besides tat, went auditin to play b4 going out.. Well suppose to cut my hair today.. but my bro put my airplane n went out wif his fantastica.. Seems like they have been meeting almost everyday since sch starts...Well perhaps i shall nto disturb him then.. But i still meet kit, who promised to company me 4 haircut.. Thus we went back to sp to find any nice hairdresser or not. Went to my previous salon, Jean Keat, my hairdresser tat quitted her job.. I saw 2 hairdresser there tat once cut my hair.. Damn horrible, thus i hesitated going there to cut or not.. The nxt salon, the skill like not nice like tat... dun wanna waste 18 bucks on a hairstyle which i dun like... Ended up didn't cut at all... Thus we wait 4 nel to come... Then play a while of kof.. Wow... i guess i'm really sucky le.. Lose most of the matches... Nxt we went to have our dinner.. Chat there n they all left.. So i stayed back to study... well again not productive at all.. cuz slow progress.. Shit...When can i actually get back the drive to study.. I losted everything cuz of some reasons which i dun wish to mention here.. No mood to study now... omg.. Hmm shared some interesting stuffs.. I actually dreamt of catching a big Fish ^^ The feeling of using a fishing rod is great, though in real life i didn't fish b4.. Hy was wif me.. Dunno y him... I had couple of dreams last nite (20th April) cuz i dunno y keep having broken slp... The nxt 1 was, i dream abt cottage... living there wif some1 haha. Ok will not disclose much.. keep to myself.. Romantic stuffs.. but too bad i doubt it'll came true... bubbles of sadness. *11:44 AM .
Thursday, April 19, 2007 Memories for 18th April 2007 (Wed) :
Hmm today was a very impt day.. Y? Becuz i'm sending my best wishes 4 Wan.. Yes Wan is leaving sg back hm 4 Malaysia.. Though i'm not there to send Wan myself.. Neither did i see Wan b4 departed.. Well morning as usual, i use the com, but tis time rd, i played audition again.. However, no more couple mode nor club dance 4 me.. Yes.. I'm playing other modes instead.. Avoiding all these modes from now on... Didn't expect the impact on me was so great ba.. well i reached lvl 15 finally.. It was long.. The licence test was so easy tis time rd.. The song 4 licence has change. The beat is easier.. N i didn't hav a hard time crossing.. OK not talking abt audition le.. Internet connection at hm has been giving me lots of prob.. Cuz always dc n each time i have to wait long time to get it reconnect..Another foreign friend added me in msn thru Tagged.com.. Tis time is from Hong Kong. Well she not in sg of cuz.. But we did chat wif each other.. I was puzzled y she added me, lol n i didn't noe it myself when she say out the reason.. ANyway won't say it out here, but thanks 4 the compliment. Lol she might not be visitng the blog, thus its ok.. My gratitude is not meant to be heard =) However time is short, thus i have to log off already.. Went outside to study.... Supposed to cut my hair, but i went to the salon, only to find tat my hairdresser has quitted n heard went to Korea... Sian.. Need time to search 4 a new 1 le.. Now i'm a poor student, so need to find a cheaper but gd hairdresser to rely on..>.< Well my study was slow as usual.. Then suppose to have dinner wif hy, Xy n Cy. But hy n xy no $ so me n Cy eat instead..Cuz they still haven't show up. After eating, send cy take mrt hm cuz she got work tml. Then i proceed to meet kw n go Yishun lan shop to play audition.. Nel n Ding was late, so we play 1st.. Well play his favourite mode Sync Crazy 4.. Haha now got new mode which is team play.. So dun have to compete wif him so much again haha.. We had lots of fun there.. N like i said,i dun play other mode le.. Cuz maybe cuz of some thing.. Or just waiting a day i touch them again...Memories... Well after tat.. we played till almost 12am.. Well Wan login to Audition too. so i guess she reached hm already.. Yup chatted a while there.. Happy 4 Wan tat can cook at hm le.. Not like in sg, kitchen not Wan's to cook.. Anyway not much time, chat a while n off we go.. catch the last bus.. Happy 4 wan n all the best.. Lucky me n kw managed to catch bus hm. Save my cab fare haha. bubbles of sadness. *12:05 PM .
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 Memories for 17th April 2007 (Tue) :
Well today is another 4 me in sch.. Well suppose to have lesson from 10 to 5pm.. The lecturer as heard from many of my friends, is disastrous.. Can't be late 4 his lesson, n i was on time. Well as usual not enough slp again.. Immediately i'm the 2nd perosn to be shot by the lecturer.. Omg i understand how bad his lecture is.. His qns r not like normal qn in own lecturer's class.. (ps: todays lecture was by UOL examiner's lecturer - an Ang mo).. I was dumbfolded.. Well too bad couldn't find a gd spot to hide myself.. + I was absent ytd.. Worsen it.. I didn;t even have any materials on hand.. Another thing was his lecture was so unproductive.. Thus i can't take it anymore.. After enduring til lunch time at 1pm, i left to the library instead.. Yup waiting 4 nel n Ding to finish their stuffs at queenstown b4 meet ing me at clementi 4 lunch.. Ended up 3.30pm.. Then only they r ready.. I was starving while chatting wif friends online.. Well i'm not going to say a thing here, which shall be keep inside my heart 4ever le.. Yes i'm going to pack up n move on.. But memories will always be there in my heart as if it was ytd.. A full stop was placed but not by me.. Anyway its just the ending of a small chp.. Yes tis full stop is by Wan.. Going back to malaysia le.. Thus i wish wan all the best. Well after tat, they wanted to go town zzz. Ok no choice but to follow them.. Went to BK to eat at ps.. didn;t had breakfast n lunch, thus how comfortable it was to cure an empty stomach haha. Ok then they moved on to lan.. I'm sick of lan seriously.. sick of facing com n stuffs.. I guess i hope to stay away from IT stuffs n go to some where peaceful instead.. well they played dota, i tried to play audition wif kw at hm, but server down 4 patching... Wat a day... thus i went to msn instead to chat wif friends.. Finally 7pm, rush off to meet a sec friend, Derek.. He's been having lots of shits, family probs since late last yr, but recently everything's seems settle.. Happy 4 him, but look at me, life still the same... i'm stuck in a shit hole still.. Went kof session not successful.. Lately i guess i'm really not to my usual self.. do everything oso not smooth at all... FInally time to go dinner, late dinner.. Cuz late lunch.. Then chat wif Xy, hy, nel, ding n derek.. They left 1st, wif me n derek to update ourselves til ard 11pm + we left.. Tat's all 4 today.. Well i guess its time i resume my story again.. Chp 4 of The swordsman n A princess..Cuz lately too much stuffs happens n i'm not in a mood to write.. Though i have already completed chp 4 in my draft, just tat too lazy to post it out... Will do so in a days or so bubbles of sadness. *11:45 AM .
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 Memories for 16th April 2007 (Mon) :
Seems ntg 4 me to blog lately.. I had a very rotten life.. Not worth blogging.. Anyway supposed to go sch today.. lesson at 1.30 to 5pm.. Ended up didn't go.. Y? partly sick, partly i'm lazy... plain lazy.. I tried to buck up, up i couldn't.. Am i really giving myself up? I'm beginning to feel it very strong.. Life is getting really meaningless n perhaps such a useless person like me, shldn't even exist at all.. I couldn't even handle my matters well enough... Early part of the day was wasted at hm in front of the com.. It not tat i'm slping when i'm sick, nor even slping cuz i haven't had a gd slp for days.. Yet i'm still sitting infront of the com.. I guess my life is really ruin.. Daily life is like a mess n so disorder... i really hated myself, my life, hated everything of me.. I'm useless freak person.. I shld have bury myself up then.. Rotten life, shld rot underground... Afternoon, went out to sp, but not sch.. Planned to do self-study instead.. Reached mac, didn;t really managed to study.. not productive at all... slply n seems like falling aslp there.. Wat else? Meet jx to study, but when he comes from sch, he's oso tired.. thus we chat instead.. After tat we have dinner together.. Cuz couldn't wait 4 nel to come back after work, some more he's late.. thus have to stay late to make up 4 the hrs... After tat, Jx went off.. I went arcade to wait 4 nel n at the same time relief my stress... Reached, of cuz kof sessions.. THen sick of it.. Went to company the nel, xy n hy 4 dinner if i'm not mistaken.. I guess ding Jie n duck were there too.. Then they left n i stay back n try to study agian.. Once again.. Very slow n i guess didn't study much.. My friend Kenny come mac find me, we chat abt old days n army stuffs.. b4 i pack up n call it a day... Rotten life rite? bubbles of sadness. *2:51 PM .
Monday, April 16, 2007 Pic on Mei Ying's Graduation 13th April 2007 (Fri) :
![]() Here's the pic which i stated in my post earlier.. Look at me.. I felt ghastly n pale.. seems lack of slp n sick.. Wonder when will be my graduation day.. haha..Get out of tis unstable life, n starts to work n be stable again.. bubbles of sadness. *10:45 AM .
Weekly Horoscope for 16th - 22th April 2007 :
A Fresh Start There is going to be a New Moon in your love and romance zone on Tuesday, yilun, which means you will get a chance to make a fresh start if you want to. You can take the relationship you are in to a new level, or plan a vacation or some exciting times together. All of this may help re-create your bond, if you have not had much of a chance to spend valuable time together. Saturn will also turn direct in your social zone on Thursday, which may make life more fun for you. If you have felt that getting out and about was becoming a real bore, things will certainly become easier over the coming weeks. While Saturn turns direct on Thursday, it may take some time for these changes to kick in. But it does not mean that you are exempt from enjoying yourself! Instead, it just means you need be discriminating about who you should spend your valuable time with. The Sun trines Pluto on Thursday, and this brings a chance for change, and the opportunity to heal and mend a certain relationship that may have had problems. If you can be honest with each other, you may experience a wonderful breakthrough. On Saturday, it will be hard to make up your mind, but don't get too stressed. Instead, just wait until you can make a decision. bubbles of sadness. *10:38 AM .
Memories for 12th - 15th April 2007 :
12th April 2007 (Thurs) : Wow.. i realised tat i haven't been blogging 4 quite some time.. Guess my readers have been wondering where i have been to.. Well i was down physically n emotionally.. Rite now, i'm no recovery yet.. Just dun have any mood to do anything.. Can write my story (Chp 4), can post anything.. Even audition i dun hav the mood to play, i haven't been studying either.. My life was like rotting away day by day... Suppose to go sch today, yet i didn't go.. cuz i overslept.. Instead i went outside trying to study.. Well i guess i couldn't rmb wat actually happens to day.. Guess my memory is failing me... 13th April 2007 (Fri) : As usual morning supposed to go sch.. But i failed to wake up on time again.. Omg.. However its MeiYing's graduation ceremony today.. Thus no matter wat, i promise her to go sch, thus i drag my lazy body n went to sch...Reached ard 12pm n went to the library to wait 4 the time.. finally she sms me n i meet her at a place outside library.. Wow she's wearing the graduation suit.. Happy 4 her.. Though i felt weird, however wonder when will i be wearing tat too... She's wif her friends, mum n bro.. I felt out of place as an outsider.. N besides very embarass too.. Took a pic together wf her n i received it, however dunno y i can;t seems to upload it n place it here.. Will try to troubleshoot n post it here nxt time..i really look tired in the pic..Didn't manage to slp well 4 past few nites n i'm feeling sick.. Look weird in tat pic, n i felt bad abt tat.. Ok we did manage to talk awhile b4 she left.. Bad timing too.. It was raining, thus i hav to wait 4 the rain to stop.. as i had lost my umbrella 1 day, thus dun 1 hav wif me.. Thus i went back to library to use com instead.. Well as usual web msn is so lousy.. Finally i leave sch n meet kit n jBear at sp. We play a while of kof b4 going 4 lunch together.. After lunch, its been long since we play some card games together.. yup 3 of us play hearts n some rds of taidi.. Of cuz hearts i'm still the champion ^^ Finally nel is reaching from work place, thus we went back to kof session, b4 going to mac wif nel n kit.. If i'm not wrong, newspaperboy came n join us.. Thus we chat til nite b4 heading home... 14th April 2007 (Sat) : Its weekend... yet once again, i'm overslp.. Ended up i wat 4 jx at arcade.. Well planning to meet up 4 lunch n study together.. However kit n nel came too.. THey r going to town, so we decided to follow them.. B4 tat, we had lunch at foodcourt.. I'm getting more sicker... Had ban mian there.. memorable food... After tat, we r on the way to sem mrt, but saw newspaperboy, thus he pulled us back 4 kof session.. However, none wants to play wif me.. Ok instead, i company jx play time crisis 3... well did very badly in the 2nd part.. jx lost in the 1st part.. wif little life, i thought i can't complete again.. But nv expect i actually completed it again wif jx ard.. cuz the last time i played was wif Wan... Stg's wrong n i couldn't complete as usual.. Ok dun mention abt it.. Finally we proceed on our journey to town, locatin decided last min by jx to go suntec 4 a walk... Lonely n heavy my heart felt.. Just wanna go walk ard 4 fresh air.. Reached there, came across tis jigsaw puzzle shop as usual n i went in to have a look.. After tat we proceed to toy-sa-rus, dunno spelled correctly or not.. spent quite some time there, n i came across the board games section n recall tat there r few boardgames which i wanna hav.. risk, game of life etc.. After tat, we headed to the arcade there.. Boring no ppl de... we did visit some shops too.. But most of the time, we were like iding ard.. After tat, they went to eat Carl's junior.. I didn't eat, too exp le.. After eating n chatting there, we proceed back t0 sem.. I was actually very tired by then... Felt like slpng.. Reached sem, we went to mac to talk as usual. I was so hungry so i got a fillet student meal 4 dinner. Thanks to nel ^^. Throat is getting worst.. Finally, its 12 + n its time to go hm again... reach home, talk top a long time friend of mine which i had known since sec sch.. Well just updating ourselves wif our daily lives... 15th April 2007 (Sun) : Well today i managed to pull myself up n went to sch.. Yes cuz i felt bad 4 pull a friend of mine 4 2 times lunch in sch.. I was late 4 half an hr.. cuz i slept very late last nite.. reached there, my friend is not here yet, thus must be later than me.. Well the lesson is not productive at all.. N of cuz, i felt slply.. sick + not able to slp 4 nites..luckily there's quite a lot of short breaks in btw.. ok thus i managed to found my friend in the lecture hall.. btw only few students were present.. Well thus i shift n sit beside my friend.. Finally during lunch time, my promise is fulfilled n we had a hearty chat.. Yup usually new friends r like tat.. They r not close to me, thus their impressions of me were totally different, n usually of the -ve side.. Either i'm too quiet, look like gangster etc.. -.-! Doesn't seems like a jc student at all.. Lol.. I'm not surprise by her 1st impression of me either, cuz she's not the 1st person who feels tat way.. Only when friends who were close to me, will manage to find the true me ^^. Not to 4get i'm a very shy person.. N i dun really dressed well to go sch.. Thus after tat we headed back 4 lesson n some students were gone... THus we decided to follow suit n leave during the nxt break.. After tat i went back to sem to meet bro.. Nel came to n he was late cuz of audition... Well i dun play audition nowadays anymore.. dun wish to talk abt it... Thus i had lunch in sch, so i just companied bro n nel 4 lunch.. After tat had a chat wif them, n bro went off wif a friend, i'm not sure who, his nick is bao yu..Abalone? Lol.. Ok thus me n nel went 4 kof session.. Jess (kusanagi) was there.. Even stanley oso wants to play wif me.. But i wasn't in great form n mood to play.. I was sick.. My voice changed.. However i disn't play long cuz i was chatting wif a friend on phone.. Talking abt wat's happening ard our life n stuffs.. Finally ard 9pm.. My friends were out of game.. I was already starving.. Thus we had dinner together, b4 oging back to kof wif nel a while..Expected performance low.. But on par wif nel.. equal win = lost.. After tat, they went off, i make myself go mac to study.. Well as usual i couldn't.. i was sick n slply.. n i actually closed my eyes there... However, managed to force my eyes open to study til the part i want to stop.. b4 i finally head home.. 18th april.. 2 more days n tis very day will come.. Readers will find it normal, but to me its an impt day to me.. ANyway things have changed a lot.. n its sudden.. But its still fresh in my heart... As usual the sms thingy is still there.. I shall not say further abt it... bubbles of sadness. *9:23 AM .
Thursday, April 12, 2007 Memories for 11th April 2007 (Wed) :
Well everything's seems losted in just a single day.. Seems like everything has changed or i have just woke up from a dream, which nv exist.. Yet things happens as though it was ytd.. I dun feel gd at all.. Stories, fairytales always hav scenes tat happy times r always very short..Can ppl just move n go, 4get abt the memories tat happens so easily? Well i dun.. I'm not such a person at all.. Even though things have changed.. I still misses some1 so much.. Wishes i could see some1 again.. Enjoy the times together, sharing the same scenery, breathing the same air, etc.. Those were the days.. Some times things r really so helpless tat there's really ntg can be done.. Ya sometimes we might even wish, tat if we were to met even earlier, things might not end up to be a tragedy like tis now... Can distances really seperated ppl? do not say physical distances to be far.. Even if the person is living near to u, it seems far too.. All i can say is, it all lies in the heart.. The perseverance n determintaion.. The love 4 each other must really be strong enough, to stay bond together.. It doesn't needs a long time to hav strong feelings 4 each other.. But most imptly is, wat we actually want.. The distance actually wasn't really tat far... Wat's compared to when a person is seperated completely? Meaning a person is not on tis earth, n the other 1 is still alive, roaming on the earth...Or rather say, a person on the north pole & the other on th south pole.. Yes at times need each other when we were down.. But there r times when though not together, can't see each other, as long as u carry the person in ur heart, carrying the hope tat we'll meet again.. The feeling is sweet.. The more u misses the person, the more sweetest the moment is when the reunion comes.. I believe i do not have to explain wat happens during the reunion.. Anyway as 4 now, just enjoy watever moments in life.. Imagine, wat will u want to spend the time wif ur love ones, when u noe tat ur days on earth r numbered.. Yes such things will only be understood when it actually happens to us.. A sick patient.. knowing there's not much days on earth to spend anymore.. Tat's b a scenario, tat reunion is impossible when the sick patient left the earth.. This broughts abt some point 4 reflections...Cherish watever u have wif the ppl ard u.. Cuz u nv noe in future as it is uncertain... Anyway today i just basically rot n do ntg.. Use the com.. Today seems a different day or a new day tat i can't adjust.. Though the routine seems as usual, but the feeling is different.. Play audtion wif kw.. I won him 5 - 1.. though the score is 5-3 cuz the last 2 games were companied by mum's nagging by my ear.. followed by some arguments... Then nxt i went out to meet kw, kit, Jbear & Jim 4 kof session.. Yes relieving my stress.. Play wif them... Then nel came.. Stanley came... Kof wif them.. Then when nite falls.. went to have dinner wif kit alone.. sitting there idling.. doing ntg.. seems rotting there.. Then Newspaperboy came to find us.. Then lucky he came to crap n liven up the atmosphere wif his funny face.. However, thruout the day, i misses the moments alot.. But things have changed i believed... bubbles of sadness. *12:03 PM .
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 Memories for 10th April 2007 (Tue) :
Tis is the day which i really dun feel like blogging again.. Each words i type.. Were like use my blood to type it out.. Yes tis feeling really sucks.. I really dun wish to talk abt it.. But nevertheless i'll just try to key in watever i can.. Yes.. y i only start to blog now, instead of morning.. Cuz i act woke up extremely late.. Yes i reached hm at 4 plus.. After going out, n went to meet kit instead.. another buddy who is there to listen to my woes... Cuz i slept late.. I was so extremely tired.. exhausted physically, emotionally n mentally.. Well ok lets start wat happened today.. on mon, i slept at 4am plus too.. but i woke up specially early in the morning to help wif the job finding 4 Wan.. After tat, i was like almost dozing off in front of the com, but i fight of the tiredness, cuz i'm doing stg meaningful.. I'm like tat..always putting 100% in watever i do, which i find it meaningful... Then ended up wat i received was.. Speechless (meaning, i won't say it here..) Then nvm i finished my stuffs.. Went missing again.. Must have gone to slp... Thus i went audition to check it out.. Nope.. thus play till afternoon, i log off.. Then its ard 2pm.. Suppose to meet Wan 4 the interview at 3pm.. Ended no signs of Wan.. Wan woke up n instead of going 4 the interview, went to audition in stead.. ok.. went in to play together... Nxt.. dun say 3pm, even 4.30pm's timing has gone.. It was 5.30pm tat we actually stopped auditioning.. n then went to prepare.. Ytd didnt managed to have sweet Talk 4 a drink, last today went to buy instead.. Well, of cuz stg unpleasant happened n i dun wish to say abt it here either.. OK then travel to City Hall.. It was so late when we reached there.. thus went to Marina Square's food court to have dinner... After which, went to esplanade 4 a walk.. Yes then something unpleasant happened again.. i'm speechless.. dun wish to say it here... N ard 11pm, send Wan home.. i guess i couldn't type it down any longer.. Watever it is, i shall not say further.. Thus after tat.. took cabby back to mac.. I called kit n fortunately he answered the call n come sup plaza immediately to meet me.. Yes.. Thus we chatted till ard 4am plus b4 we headed home... A verse in The Phantom of the Opera.. "Its over now.. The music of the nite..." Haha i really love This favourite musical so much.. Yet i couldn't even watch it.. Anyway thanks Wan 4 offering me at esplanade to company me to watch.. However, musical isn't really tat simple like watching a movie.. U need to book n check vacancies.. Anyway i appreciates everything from u.. I guess i'm exhausted in continue my blog.. the rest shall be kept in my heart.. Tat's all 4 today... bubbles of sadness. *12:17 PM .
Tuesday, April 10, 2007 Adds on for 9th April 2007 (Mon) :
Well i missed out stg in my blog, cuz i need to recall the exact stuffs.. So now i got it all rite, i'm going to post it now... This so called Rhyme, was said ytd by Wan at CCk.. Thus at tat time, wan said it so fast tat i could really catch all the words clearly.. Had to listen a few times b4 i can finally recite it correctly... Anyway here it goes... This little piggy went to the market. This little piggy, stayed at home. This little piggy, had roast beef. This little piggy, had none at all. And tis little piggy, cried wee wee wee all the way home. Lol sounds childish n funny rite? Well at 1st i can believed it when tis rhyme actually comes out from the mouth of a 24 yr old lady ^^. Lol ok interesting.. Besides i rmb now tat if i recite it successfully, wat will i get ^^ bubbles of sadness. *4:36 PM .
Memories for 9th April 2007 (Mon) :
Hmm had a very unpleasant morning tis day.. Yes n very moody too.. Read some1's blog & something unpleasant has happened.. Different from wat i actually saw at mac on the other nite.. Anyway just hope everytHing's fine... Besides tat over the weekend.. I'm so moody too.. THen morning dunno y like tat.. ppl do change suddenly rite? Ppl always do.. Sometimes i wonder y is everybody misunderstanding my kind intentions? Anyway i dunno how to say or wat to do either..seems like everything i do is wrong.. Then on the phone oso the same thing happen.. However things turns better in the evening time.. Ya.. Well another memorable nite to add.. Yes..Wan actually come to sem to find me..was quite touched by tat.. Well since going back to malaysia in few days time, thus we meet up.. Well wan actually dunno lots of things haha.. 1st place Wan wanted to go in sp is arcade. cuz want to noe wat kof is abt.. Thus i showed wan.. Then watch wan play puzzle bubble, n i assisted wan n cross to lvl 8 or 10.. Hmm i play myself oso can't reached tat stage lo.. THen play time crisis 3.. Haha very funny, Wan loses so fast, but can't blame cuz 1st time playing.. Well i usually manages to complete the game.. However, tis time rd i didn't, cuz i didn't take a break at intervals.. Nxt comes touch screen machine.. played photo hunt n the dunno wat dressing n memory game.. Left wif 1 token, ntg to play already, gif Wan as a souvenier ba.. After tat went to mac to buy dinner.. Omg Wan actually treat me.. I appreciate tat very much.. Went to somewhere near the sem town council, a stone table, to hav wat Wan called it a picnic.. Thus just sit there, but Wan eat the most haha..Wan is actually a big eater =P I just had nuggets n some fries & drinks.. Oh ya, showed Wan the place where i always studied at mac.. cuz Wan wants to noe.. After tat went to buy drink, but too bad sweet talk is close 4 the nite.. Then we went 7-11 to buy drinks n headed 4 a walk.. Wan wanna go to the small garden of mine near my hse.. thus i brought Wan there.. on the way, there a stone path, so Wan went to walk round the stone floor.. Finally reached n Wan appreciates the scenery there.. It would be more peaceful during midnite..cuz no vehicles will pass by then.. U can oso see the stars n the moon in the sky.. Nice view ^^. Finally time to send Wan home at CCk area.. Thus reached there, wan showed me the playground there.. Thus went there to sit n chat.. Lol got cat's incident, & oso a clumsy incident too.. Anyway i shall not say it here, cuz its bad, but just hope Wan's ok now ^^ Finally its time to call it a day.. Well a memorable day to add on.. In few days Wan will be going back.. Ok i noe at sem i saw lots of friends esp tis particular nite.. Got awie n another kof friend at aracde, William at the table during dinner... Then stanley & friend at sun plaza, on the way to my small garden.. sms were bro n benjamin -.-! Even my army friend saw me during train from sem to cck.. But i only realise it nxt day morning when he talks to me in msn... Spare me all those teasings ok.. There's ntg happening ard... bubbles of sadness. *10:31 AM .
Monday, April 09, 2007 Endless Love (1) - The Swordsman & A Princess :
Chp 3 - The First Destined Encounter : After tat unpleasant nite, Yan Tian's wife, Feng Huan, woke up several times from nitemares for the past few nites.. She is having a bad feeling that stg bad might befall on the Yang's Family.. However, each time she woke up & breaks into cold sweat, Yan Tian would comfort her tat she worries & thinks too much in the day, til its common to even dream abt it in the nite.."No worries, my love, for ntg bad'll befall on our family as long as i'm ard.." He would even joke & ease her worries.. Yan Tian suggest his wife to take a stroll outside wif Yi Zhen, breathe some fresh day & pay a visit to the temple.. Thus when dawn comes, Feng Huan heed her husband's advice & bring Yi Zhen out 4 a stroll, companied by her personal maid (Ke er) & her bodyguard (Han Wu). Upon reachin the temple, Feng Huan left Yi Zhen in the care of Han Wu, while she brought Ke er along into the temple to pray... Though the atmosphere was smoky, occassionally the sound of the temple bell rings & the prayers of the monks filled Yi Zhen's ears, his sensitive ears are still abel to hear a melodious piece of music of a liu qin..soft yet magnificiant, magical.. A lovely piece of music, from distances not far from the temple.. It attracts him..Yi Zhen yearned to find out the source of music, but now tat he is not allowed to leave the temple & the sight of Han Wu.. Nevertheless, he picks a long fallen branch & Hide it inside his sleeves, without Han Wu's notice & told him tat he needs to relief himself.. Thus Han Wu did as he was told, & wait outside of the Squatter room.. Inside the stinky hut, YiZhen took out the branch & search for signs of loose wood tat formed the hut.. Wif his wisdom, he found it & starts using the branch as a tool to force the wood out, make a small hole out of the surrounding, just enough 4 his small body to crawl out.. Then he creep down the grassland down the temple & follow the sound of music.. Finally, he saw a big pavilion by the lake side.. The Pavilion was fill edwif long curtains, moving as the wind blows, but the view was not completely blocked.. Yi Zhen noticed from the distance tat there's a lady playing the liu qin & a young gal dancing to the rhythm.. He creeps nearer to hav a clearer view & was fascinated by his sight... The young gal was dancing graciously like a swan.. Turning n Turning in her beautiful snowy white clothings.. each move was soft n enchanting.. Yi Zhen watched silently in a corner..until the music stopped finally, Yi zhen regains his senses.. The gal nids farewell to the lady who played the liu qin, & runs away wif the ppl who companied her, but waited outside of the pavilion just now.. Suddenly the gal seems disappeared from his sight... Disheartened, Yi Zhen starts to turn back & headed to the temple, but as he turned ard, the gal is rite in front of him.. He was astonished & the gal was smiling at him. "Silly boy," she grin & kissed Yi Zhen on his lips.. Tis sudden move made him dumb-folded.. Suddenly, she hold his hands & start running.. This pull overcome his shock, but silently he follows.. After a distance, the gal let go of his hands suddenly & Yi Zhen breaks into a clumsy fall.. Frowning, YiZhen looks at the gal, but only to see her giggling. Then she looked ard as though anybody was chasing after them.. Finally the coast seems clear, the gal turned to face YiZhen & asked him to go inside an opening of a "cave" covered by lots of huge boulders.. There's even a small lake inside the cave..Blushing, Yi Zhen sits quietly on a corner in the cave.. The gal starts to giggle again at Yi Zhen's shy, silly look.. Each time the gal sits closer to him, the more he "shrinks" himself as small as he could, holding his knees in his arms..The gal starts to talk to him.. "Wat's ur name?" He replied shyly "Yi..Zhen..Yang Yi Zhen.." The gal smile & say, "I'm Wen Xuan, Chen Wen Xuan. Y r u peeping at me dancing just now?" Yi Zhen's face redden.. N he kept quiet.. After a while, Wne Xuan's laughter managed to liven the atmosphere & Yi Zhen begins to relax bit by bit.. Wen Xuan is 8 yrs old, while Yi Zhen 10.. Yi Zhen noticed some fallen long dried leaves caught on his clothes, when he fall just now.. Clever as he is, he makes a "grasshopper" out of it & gif it to Wen Xuan.. She was amazed.. In return, Wen Xuan remove a butterfly shaped hairpin from her long neaty combed hair & giv it to Yi Zhen.. Then Yi Zhen uses a green leaves to play a music, while Wen Xuan dances in the cave..She called Yi Zhen, Xiao Cao..WHile he called her Xiao die.. nick names after their very 1st gifts.. Finally its time to part, as they hav been away from their kins for quite some time.. However, they agree to meet again in this cave, which shall be their hangouts, 5 days from now after Yi Zhen's lesson at mid noon,which is the day after his grandma's 60th b'day.. Unwillingly, they parted & carrying the hairpin tightly in his chest pocket in his clothes, he hurried back to the temple.. Even b4 reaching, he heard cries of his name.. "Yi Zhen! YiZhen!" He quickly run towards them & saw his worried mum & company.. Keeping quiet abt his encounter, he comfort his worried mum, who's relieved at her son's safety, she broke into tears.. At the same time, he apologise to Han Wu 4 his mischevious deeds.. 4giving, Han Wu brush dirts off Yi Zhen's hair & Ke er tidy his clothes.. Off they return back to their residence.. The Cloud seems dark above the Yang's mansion tis few days..Vultures were flying above the dark sky, as though sensing their food r arriving... The old lady's b'day is approaching day by day.... Stay tuned for Chp (4) - The Conspiracy... bubbles of sadness. *10:55 AM .
Horoscope for 7th April 2007 (Sat) :
You could be concerned about your romantic life, yilun. As an idealist, you are always searching for the ultimate love relationship. Sometimes you are unrealistic! Every romance has its ups and downs, and nobody is perfect. Don't expect your current romance to be like a scene from a movie. Instead, focus on communicating better with your partner. Work together to solve any problems. With some effort, you'll make improvement. Yes i'm very concerned abt my romantic life very much now.. N i'm searching for my true love.. I'm unrealistic cuz i'm always hiding in my very own world of mine.. However i always noe tat nobody is perfect.. Thus i dun expect anything from any1 -.-! Its not tat i dun want to focus on commuicating, but just tat i doubt there'll be chance to communicate.. Not even say to work together to solve problems.. Improvement? I'm now not even sure i hav a romantic partner in the 1st place or not... bubbles of sadness. *10:46 AM .
Memories for 7th & 8th April 2007 (Sat & Sun) :
Sat : Well i'm back once again.. Sry 4 my short disappearance my readers.. I'm actually having lessons over the weekends.. didn't managed to get a chance to use the com actually.. Well Sat was like -.-!.. i actually went to sch n was 15 mins late.. Then in the end, the venue was at MH, not in SIM.. Wat is MH? i oso dunno -.-! Its was a poa lesson.. Omg.. THus i didn't go as even if i go there, i'm super duper late... Thus i spend time at the library to check my blog n tag etc.. After tat, i went back to sem to meet nel at 1.30pm 4 lunch.. Reaching sem station, there's tis gal entered mrt at woodlands.. Sitting rite in front of me.. I was actually writing my story 4 my blog, thinking hard during the journey back to sem.. While listening to my music at the same time, maybe i was thinking n seems looking at her... Then she was like looking back at me n can see the shyness in her face. Haha ok dun tease her le.. But actually she's not bad la. Quite decent too.. Shoulder-length, black shiny hair =) Ok anyway, sem reached i just alight n off to find Nel.. in the end, i had a very sick day... Ya.. kof session like almost the whole day... Omg.. Kof, lunch, kof... If i'm not wrong, we went to chat a while too.. but i can't rmb whether any1 come to join us after tat.. After tat, we even went 4 dinner -.-! Actually i wanted to go hm 4 dinner n use the com already, but nel drag me to stay wif him.. Thus i went to his hse to use the com as i can't use my hse com late at nite.. Thus at nel's hse, i complete my chp 2 of my story n play a short while of audition..Nel's com is laggy... but better than kw's...actually both not gd, cuz own com is still the most used to.. After tat, time to go... Sun Well wake up morning, rush to sch.. Xiang Rong sms me n i went to sch wif him.. But we r on different classes.. on the bus journey to SIM, saw my SIM bro, Stuart.. Anyway lesson was so boring... Its Maths1.. The lecturer, though interesting, but the way he solved the qns r like super fast.. Lots of short cuts taken.. Thus i had hard time catching up.. Well i guess i 4gotten to off my bluetooth while receiving files from my friend.. Thus there's actually ppl sending bluetooth to me -.-! Hmm didn't noe tis kind of thing seems frequent in lecture hall.. Well some1 send "halo" by the name of sweethart -.-! Lame.. Then the other 1 is Fang..lol tat's lame.. Well i'm thinking it could be the gal quite a distance from me -.-! cuz i can see the typing n the timing the bluetooth come .. Hmm she alone of cuz haha.. Well oso quite decent look too.. N hardworking.. Cuz saw her during breaktime, still studying.. As 4 me, i just carrying on wif my stories, which have completed till ard chp 6 le ba.. ^^ well anyway i didn't use tis to communicate wif ppl b4, thus i ignored the bluetooth msg.. Besides, ahems.. I'm very shy as usual -.-! Well finally lessons end at 4pm, i just pack up n leave...Rushing hm as i hav lots of stuffs to blog, if push to nxt day, i'll hav to blog like mad, like now... However, tis bro of my, is using the com at hm zzzz... Besides i need to meet bro at sem mrt ard 7pm.. Thus finally get to use the com only 4 15 mins, i just tag n go.. End dinner at hm n rush to meet bro.. Yup tis bro of mine is always there 4 me when i'm down.. Yes i'm really very fortunate to hav him as my bro.. Makes me seems useless, cuz i'm elder than him -.-! However, currently i'm just a poor student.. In 3 yrs time, bro.. Swensens n stuffs on me... Thanks bro, u noe i'll rmb de ^^. Dun wanna tell every1 wat is it, cuz bro, at the very least, let me regain a bit of pride =P Anyway Thanks bro.. Thus i went back to mac study.. Aw nel came back from his course today n ask me kof -.-! Not much $ le... Company, i just show face n spend a little.. Cuz i still hav my hair n phone bill to pay -.-! But thankfully, i found a job le.. Maybe only. haha it was from my ex-neighbour Haniza, my childhood friend..We grow up together wif a few of other friends.. Now she lives in Woodlands, me sem.. Past is Yishun.. We were seperated when we were in sec 2 til now.. Very long le haha..ok after tat went to mac cuz nel wants to eat.. Kit is here wif us too. THen we start sitting down to chat.. Lol Nel noticed a gal outside mac, studying.. She was in pink, then suddenly a few of nel's friend came n sit besides us..Then fion noe nel is interested in tat gal, n actually went to get her no -.-! Ok nel was so embarass n ended up, we hav to send the sms 4 him.. dots.. Her name was En-ni n she's 15 yrs old^^ Nel 17 lol.. No prob la.. Some more decent hardworking gal from chung Zheng high.. Anyway nel though deny, i'm sure his heart is very happy. ^^ All the best... bubbles of sadness. *10:16 AM .
Saturday, April 07, 2007 Endless Love (1) - The Swordsman & A Princess :
Chapter 2 - The Arrival of An Unwelcome Guest : Once again, every1 in the Yang Family were restless, busy preparing the 60th B'day of the old lady, which is approaching in a week's time.. As busy as they were, the atmosphere was still drowned wif joy's & Laughter, which almost covered the commands of the worried hsekeeper that he had to raise his voice most of the time. Some were even singing songs from their homeland, while preparing such grand occasion in the hse.. Each time when such occasion arrives, the hsekeeper will be the most anxious n busiest man in the hse.. He was the most trusthworthy n loyal person in the Yang Family. Independent n hardworking, though not very educated, but lots of task were allocated wif him, at ease tat he'll complete the task wif close perfection.. Though strict as he talks, works n does his work, he was humourous n easy going too... "Careful wif the load! Its very fragile!" "Have to prepare the prosperity clothes?!" "Shift tis thing to the room" "Every1 come on, we haven't got much time to finish the preparations!" Etc.. When it comes to work, the hsekeeper is a different man indeed.. However, he's a well-respected person by all too..Yan Tian n Yan Hu are out on their offical duties, the old lady is taking a nap n Yi Zhen is wif his mum, studying his books... Day falls n nite returns.. Yan Tian dragged his tired body back home..But upon looking at Yi Zhen n his wife waiting 4 him outside the doorstep, warmth filled his heart.. A hearty meal was prepared waiting 4 Him n Yan Hu to return, b4 dinner starts.. Even the servants were allowed to seat n eat together as a family, but different table.. Yan Tian reaches hm earlier today than Yan Hu, cuz they worked under different dept, under different bosses.. Every1 was seated & not shortly, came a strong, sturdy knock on the big door. Thinkin tat Yan Hu has return, the hsekeeper quickly went to open the door. yan Hu has returned from work, but he is not alone. Walking in front of him to the big hall, is a tall, sturdy man, dressed lavishly.. It was none other than Lord Chen, boss of Yan Hu, the rival of Yan Tian's boss.. Every1 felt uneasy at the presence of Lord Chen, except Yi Zhen, who's facial expression always projects a usual calmness and fearless look. Young & innocent, he didn't noe who Lord Chen is.. However, Yan Tian knew the purpose of Lord Chen's visit to the Yang's mansion is of no gd motive.. Nevertheless, he regain his compose immediately, to welcome tis unexpected guest.. Lord Chen was a corrupted & ambitious official. In order to achieve his goals, he can resort to any means & tat may include sacrificing n killing innocent ppl's life... Lord Chen's status n wealth he achieved, has exchanged countless of lives... However, Lord Chen is always fond of Yan Tian's talent n capabilities, & always wish to make him under 1 of his wings, just like his elder bro, Yan Hu.. Of cuz, being righteous by nature, Yan Tian would nv agree to submit to Lord Chen... Yan Tian tried to avoid several times, but avoidance seems not the rite solution to the problems.. The more he avoid, the more pressure the opponent's nxt move.. However, Lord Chen's Patience has his limits.. Tis time he decides to gif Yan Tian a last chance.. As usual Yan Tian's righteous heart, is as stubborn as a bull...But he reject in a polite & respectful way.. Cooly, Lord Chen utter a word of warning to Yan Tian, tat he will regret what he said tonite, b4 he left the Yang's mansion, which seems its peaceful days r numbered... Pls tune in 4 CHp 3 - The First Destined Encounter To be continued... bubbles of sadness. *12:20 PM .
Memories fot 6th April 2007 (Fri) :
1st of all, wish all my dear readers a very happy Gd Fri..Its a long weekend 4 the week.. Well.. Early in the morning, i woke up n went 4 a jog.. Though not as disciplined to wake up at 7am.. Act start running at almost 9am.. Well i told myself to run 6 Km, but ended up i only managed to run 4 Km.. The route i took was 2Km a rd.. Reason 4 the change is becuz, hav not be exercising n i couldn't take it during the 2nd rd.. Nevertheless i managed to complete it... Took a rest n shower b4 i sat down in front of my com again.. Was i quite tired i guess.. Started on my story already.. Hmm it was tough indeed..1st cuz the environment i'm in, was too noisy 4 my imaginative mind to start working.. no peace in the hse.. luckily i managed to complete my Chp 1, however its quite short though.. After tat, played a while of audition n i have to log off the com, due to some reasons...as expected... Well after tat, i prepare n went out to study, while waiting 4 kw to come.. He came at ard 4.30pm..Zzz only study a while, he complained tat its too noisy n got lots of hse fly, no willpower n perserverance haha. THus we went up for kof sessions... Sian something bad happened.. i got no mood to play... I oso dunno y, but i dun wish to mention anything here.. After tat, kw was hungry n wants to hav dinner... Decided not to wait 4 nel, we headed down to mac again to eat.. Cuz kw say he down want to eat kfc after listening to a few cases abt kfc -.-! Erhmm tat's only a minority case, if like tat don't eat tis, don't eat tat, how? lol.. Ok then bro came.. Chat abit n he joined us 4 dinner.. 4get abt nel cuz he went to arcade instead, while we waited 4 him at mac -.-! Haha erhm act did stg silly there.. Was trying out wat Newspaper boy told me, "fishing". Omg to think i act did tat.. Well however i'm a very shy guy.. When a looked at a gal sitting in mac, facing my direction, still ok.. When the gal looks at me, i can't help but turning my view away.. Newspaperboy can even cont exchanging eye contacts wif the gal, when he told me tat.. However, i guess, tat's just not me ba.. I'm too shy a person to act do such stuffs... After tat, bro received a call n he hav to go.. Ok ... so we headed to arcade to find nel.. He had fun down there... Thus we joined in.. Kit is on the way from dhoby Ghaut.. However, sian.. Stanley n his friend came too.. Wat a crowd... THis time, we played random.. Lucky i hav higher chances of winning.. After the game, we company nel 4 dinner.. Then hav a conversation, teasing 1 another there.. 4 of us, kw, nel, kit n me... Well something act happened at sp mac... Ya i dunno wat to say abt it.. I was quite shocked to see some1 entering mac... It was another unexpected meet.. However some1 was not alone.. Perhaps tat's the stranger which i mentioned abt... Hmm will not disturbed them, thus i guess i dunno to say hello or not.. thus i just focus on my conversation wif my friends, avoiding is perhaps wat i can do at tat split sec of time.. I'm really speechless.. But well guess i shld be happy 4 some1, tat wish some1 all the best wif the "stranger" It sounds bad, but i dunno the stranger's name... I guess.. there's ntg more i can do abt it.. nor say anything... anyway we just carry on talking..till 12am + n i headed home.. feeling heavy.. Well i read some1's blog n i dunno whether is tat a lyrics or a poem like writing.. Its so confusing.. The poem sounds quite sad.. but yet its different from wat i say in the nite.. My friends said, some1 looks gd... Haha ya, but too bad i guess i dun hav the courage to look at all anymore. THus i wish some1 all the best... =) bubbles of sadness. *11:35 AM .
My Horoscope for 6th April 2007 (Fri) :
yilun, this is a good time to have an honest conversation with someone. Perhaps you and your romantic partner need to talk about your future together. You might want to express your desires for growth in your relationship or commitment. Your partner should welcome an open dialogue. You will feel great if you can get a clearer sense of where you are going, together. Well, Lol tis is crappy.. Guess i dun even hav a romantic partner in the 1st place.. Wat's there to talk abt.. Hmm shall wait till i really found 1, b4 everything of the above really starts... bubbles of sadness. *11:30 AM .
Friday, April 06, 2007 Endless Love (1) - The Swordman & a Princess :
Chapter 1 - The Birth of Yang Yi Zhen, Swordman of the Future... It was noon sharp.. The sky was bright n clear, giving a sense of peace n tranquility.. Under such a nice weather, lies a joyous occassion in the Yang's Family.. Every1's in the Yang's family were all busy wif their stuffs.. The maids were all rushing in n out of the master room.. Every1 have no time to grasp 4 a breathe or rest for a while.. Even an old lady was sitting anxiouisly, frigiding on the wooden Chair.. Every1 had an worried looked on their faces.. However, the most uneasy person was none other than, Yang Yan Tian, A well-known general, who was always projecting a calm, n confident posture.. Yet tis time rd, it was actually the opposite side of him.. Pacing up n down, eyes occassionally looking at the door of the master room, watching the maids bring in fresh pail of water n out came stains of bloodcloth n pail of water, bright red in colour... Inside the room, cames cries of a woman, screaming in deep pain, as though the torment was unbearable.. some times loud n sharp, sometimes weak n silence.. N each time the cries of the woman stopped, Yan Tian would be the 1st 1 to stomp towards the door, however was pulled back by his men.. Hastily calming his heart, which seems like a beast... the only person tat was sitting down quietly, wifout any emotions in his face is, Yang yan Hu.. (Yan Tian's Bro).. Finally, the woman in the room, gave a sharp scream, n everything became deep silence..except 4 the joy of the birth mother.. the door opened n out came a baby,wrapped wif a cloth, in the arms of the birth mother.. Once again, the "beast" rushed forward looking at his baby.. It was a male.. However the baby did not cry, not a single tear..but there was a fearless look in his facial expression.. under the bright peaceful sky, Yang Yi Zhen was borned... Yan Tian quickly brought his son to his wife's bed.. A beast look, quickly turned into a look of concern n warm... he was so happy n relief tat his wife was safe n sound.. grateful over wat his wife had sacrificed n deliver their precious son to earth.. The rest of the ppl, followed behind the old lady (Mother of Yan Tian & Yan Hu), entered the room n surround the bed.. Every1 carries a smile in their face n words of grats n concern... However, there's only a look of jealousy.. Tat's his eldest bro,Yan Hu, standing behind the crowd, wif a soury feel in his heart.. His wife has passed away, during a miscarriage.. Yan Hu was a person wif great ambition, but too high an ambition tat he neglects the ppl ard him.. Indirectly, he was the 1 who caused the death of his wife.. anger n hatred filled his face, n silently he walked out of the room... Tat very nite, Yan Tian brought a jar of wine home n asked his bro Yan Hu 4 a drink as usual.. Yan Tian was very concern wif his bro.. He always respect his bro.. Knowing tat this occasion will brings upon sad memories of his bro, he shares the jug of wine wif him n have a heartily conversation thruout the nite.. Talking abt all the happy moments, from young, fighting countless of victorious wars hand in hand.. Those were the days... Time flies.. Yi zhen was 10 yrs old..A very filial son, grown under a well educated family.. However, every1 was always questioning Yan Tian, y he refuses to teach Yi Zhen any martial arts.. Yan Tian always turns away from the topic. As a caring father n a caring husband. He respected his wife decision. Thus Yan Tian was trained to be literate instead.. As 4 martial arts, Yan Tian shall leave it to his son, to decide whether he wants to master or not.. End of Chapter 1.. To be continue... bubbles of sadness. *11:31 AM .
Memories for 5th April 2007 (Thurs) :
When the dawn comes, wat happened ytd, will become a memory too.. Well morning woke up pretty late.. ard 11am.. As usual start using the com.. Hmm was quite surprised some friends chatted wif me =) Arthur, Junnie, yyann. Thus i didn't really blog.. Msn is getting happening once again =) However.. life is still so down. Ppl's dreams of searching their very own true soulmate, its really very difficult.. Wan online n we have a chat on the Msn too.. Something's bad happened to Wan too.. Wan decided to go back to Malaysia... Well heart got heavy of cuz.. Just like any1 u know, r leaving oversea n dunno when they come back.. Well decision lies in very1's hand.. If Wan decides to leave, have to respect Wan's decision no matter how unwilling i am.. Wish Wan all the best.. Besides, i dunno at tis point of time, the internet connection keeps giving me prob.. I did off the com a while in the afternoon n on it again.. THen tis bro of mine came back home.. U shld noe wat my bro is like as mentioned in my previous post.. As usual, the bossy aries n annoying ppl in my hse.. Thinks he's the boss in the hse, thought i used the com 4 freaking long hrs n starts to behave like an elephant, stomping his feet as he move abt, banging hard on the stuffs as though everything's is against him.. Can't stand it, end up chatting on phone wif Wan.. Got lots of things need to tell Wan b4 Wan leave sg.. Ended up heart felt heavily after tat of cuz.. Every1 tat i noe, was precious to me.. My bro roy, jc bro, some1, Wan, etc... Imagine 1 by 1 leaving me.. haiz.. nevertheless, i musn't be sad in front of them.. Else i'll only bring them unhappiness.. Even if they leave, i want them to bring happiness memories together... Cuz of tis issue, i was surprisingly late meeting a long time jc pal of mine.. he's Jackson.. During my jc time, though we r not really hanging out together most often, however, he's 1 of my very close, true friend.. very sry 4 letting him wait 4 me so long, cuz we r supposed to meet on fri, but last min he can't make it, thus meet tonite 4 dinner instead.. Thus i was late in meeting him.. Felt very bad 4 keeping ppl wait.. Thus after tat, ard 8.30pm i send him off n arranged another longer meeting time wif him, cuz tonite i was actually having other activities.. Thus i meet nel n kit.. Then so many ppl asked me out tat nite.. Thus all went 4 kof session.. dun talk abt it le.. Usually when i was playing kof, it really depends on my mood..My heart was so heavy cuz of Wan's matter tat i guess i lost most of the game.. Though didn't lost much....But no mood to play.... After tat company, kit n nel watch them eat their dinner n we chatted there till 12am n its time to leave... Lol nel met his online friend tonite, must had a wonderful day, but he just simply dun say much, thus i shall asked no further abt it ^^ Overall a very bad day... bubbles of sadness. *10:52 AM .
Thursday, April 05, 2007 Endless Love (1) - The Swordman & a Princess :
Author's foreword : Ah ha, my dear readers of mine.. Wat's wrong wif tis new heading of mine? Nope u didn't enter the wrong page. U r all still inside my blog. Well after such internal struggle inside of me for a long time, dun ask me wat, i have decided to come up wif a story, written thru my imagination.. Yup i always love to imagine, n daydreams too.. Y? cuz harsh reality in this real world, makes me hide into the very own “perfect” world of mine. The stories which I desired most, yet dun happen in the real world. How I wanted the story to go, it all lies in my very own thinking mind.. The 1st type of stories I would really start, will be romance of cuz. Yup thus here’s the very 1st story, which I have decided to start in the ancient times.. The reason y I titled the story as “The Swordman n a princess” is just something tat came to my mind.. Usually tis 2 type of ppl dun match, as u can see, 1 is a swordman who roam ard the world, of low profile n status. While the other is a princess who’s of high status n highly respected by lots of ppl.. However, yet they managed to secure their love against lots of hardships n barriers tat lies ahead of them.. Even when I haven’t really started writing, my mind seems to have some pic of how the story is going to start… However, due to time constraint, perhaps I shall break my stories into chps.. Hopefully my dear readers will enjoy my stories…Thanks.. bubbles of sadness. *2:08 PM .
Memories for 4th April 2007 (Wed) :
Yet another day has passed by.. I was quite busy in front of my com tis morning. Emails, Blogging, etc.. Chatting on msn too. Yup it has been long since my msn is so happening. 4 dialogue box opened at 1 time, 2 guys 2 gals. Got kw, nel, yyann n a new friend who added me. Not really noe her name yet, but she's from Phillppines. Well she added me in Tagged, a online thingy, recommended by my friend, which i dunno for wat, just make an account out of boredom. Upon chatting, realised tat she came to Sg from 2004 - 2006 for attachment if i'm not wrong. after tat she went back home to graduate.. Now she's requesting for a work pass to come sg to work. if succeed, she'll be here in a mth's time. THen she told me abt me, looking like some1 she noes when she was here in sg tat time. Tat's y she added me. Hmm yup, in tis world world, there r bound to have similiar faces of u. scary rite? Later got A clone in dunno other parts of the c'try.. After tat spend time chatting on phone wif Wan cuz Wan went to MOM to settle the immigration stuffs. Queuing in goverment places r very long indeed. Thus company Wan on phone to kill the time while waiting. Here my lame jokes starts again, n chat abt lots of stuffs.. After tat, time to go out of the hse to study.. Lol i knew Wan was pulling a leg on me. I saw bro at mac, wif wen, br n yong jun. Hmm they were playing maple wif their laptop n o2 jam -.-! Zzz.. So bro come to chat n company me instead. Talked abt lots of stuffs.. Updating each other, our love life etc..Then after tat, nel came n the 3 of us had dinner together. Its been long since we last had meal to gether. Well after tat, bid farewell to bro n we both headed to kof...Cuz panda asked me to... thus engaged session again.. Lucky i saved lots of $ again =P Each time play wif pro, i can't help feeling worried n excited, cuz scare lose $. After tat, finally, go to mac to study.Then here comes Newspaperboy, back from his work n nite lessons.. Had a chat wif him b4 going hm.. bubbles of sadness. *11:56 AM .